14 May 2012

photography tip

I had picked up the latest issue of bon appetit magazine to get some restaurant recs for Paris (pinch me! cannot wait!) and noticed a mention of a blog post on their site for camera reviews and tips.  i've already got my camera, but check out the tips mentioned for taking photos.  I especially liked this one...

TIP: When shooting in a restaurant (and the auto function isn't cutting it), turn the shutter to 1/30, the aperture as low as possible, and then adjust the ISO incrementally until the image looks good.

So helpful! and I always am trying to get yummy food photo's in restaurants.  Check out more tips here:

Photos by Will Hereford via Bon Appetit

1 comment:

  1. this is a great tip! i just took a photography class and learned so much. now i just need to take 5 more...

    i definitely ordered the zara dress. i am watching a pair of brand new pigalle's on ebay. if i can get them at a decent price, then they are MINE! my husband will immediately recognize the red sole and probably scold me for an hour about wasting money and blah blah blah. {he is a financial advisor and is OBSESSED with good money management} oh well! i will face the consequences!
