january has been a cold, hard month to swallow - but i have been pushing through with warm thoughts of vacations to come. february and march hold annual rix family vacation to mexico and a special bride-to-be's bachelorette in miami.
to prepare - i have been steadfast and doing the jillian michael's 30-day shred. i have never been one for work-out video's but it works! and seriously 20 minutes and you are dead tired. i'm really liking it.
since i have been so diligent with my workouts - i'm splurging on a new beach ensemble.
ready for the sand & sun.
jcrew |
jcrew |
The Shred is SO hard and the best workout i've ever done in terms of serious results. Love it. I started doing it a few years ago when I saw how in shape my Mom was from doing it!